Monday, August 30, 2010

Concentration Paper

Part I

1. I came to CSU not only because the College of Business is one of the best in Colorado, but also because my dad got a job in Fort Collins. While looking at which colleges to apply to, my parents and I decided that, because of my vision, it would be best if I stayed in Colorado and, if possible, at home. This would allow my mother to drop me off and pick me up from school, and would be much cheaper than living in a dorm.

2. After taking a business class in high school, I decided that I would major in business in college because I wanted to get into a career in finance or accounting. Furthermore, business can be applied to a variety of situations, so I think a business degree will serve me well, no matter what career I end up in.

3. No, I do not know anyone in this class.

4. No, I do not know any of the faculty in the College of Business.

5. Yes, I am interested in Study Abroad because I think it would be an excellent opportunity to see a different country. I really enjoy traveling and seeing other countries, but I rarely get the chance. I think it is really interesting to observe other cultures and the best way to do this is to be immersed in the culture.

6. Business Week- Have heard of it but don’t read it

Fortune- Have heard of it but don’t read it

Forbes- Have heard of it but don’t read it

The Economist- Have not heard of it

BBC- Have heard of it but don’t read it

Denver Post- Have heard of it but don’t read it

Forbes Small Business- Have not heard of it

Wall Street Journal- Have heard of it but don’t read it

7. What exactly does a real estate concentration pertain to?

Part II

1. I am good at working with numbers. I enjoy analyzing numbers and making sure that they are in balance. I am detail-oriented and I like working on a problem until I figure it out. Due to my vision, I am not as good with things such as drawing or designing graphics. I am also more of an introv1ert, although I can work with in a group. Although I have held leadership positions in the past, I am not very confident in my leadership skills.

2. Accounting- Accounting is the concentration that relates the most to math in the College of Business. I am interested in an accounting major because it is suited to my strengths. Accounting is all about detailed work with numbers and making sure that different accounts are in balance.

Management- I am not interested in a management major because I am very much an introvert and I am not good at making on the spot decisions.

Marketing- I am not interested in marketing because I am not good at designing marketing campaigns or coming up with new ways to inform people about a new product. I can take an existing plan and put it into action, but developing a new plan is not my strong suite.

Computer Information Systems- While I don’t think that a career in CIS would be a bad idea, I am not particularly interested in this field. Unlike my dad, I do not find it interesting to work with computer programs and see how they can be used, or what could be done to make them better or easier to use.

Finance- Finance deals more with the analysis of numbers and based on this analysis, making a suggestion as to what should be done. I feel that I am more suited to doing this than coming up with a marketing plan or telling a group of people what to do.

Real Estate- I do not have much of an interest in managing real estate. Furthermore, I think that a career in this field requires a willingness to take risks.

3. My four letters are: ISFJ.

My suggested careers are:

• Interior Decorators

• Designers

• Nurses

• Administrators and Managers

• Administrative Assistants

• Child Care / Early Childhood Development

• Social Work / Counselors

• Paralegals

• Clergy / Religious Workers

• Office Managers

• Shopkeepers

• Bookkeepers

• Home Economics

I think this test was fairly accurate. I agree that I can remember important details and that I am hard working and willing to work on a project until it gets done. In the past, I have been told that I might be a good teacher, so this test is inline with that comment. I also think it is true that I am grounded and prefer to do things in a practical and old fashioned manner. I am definitely very subdued and non-confrontational whenever possible. I know for a fact that I am very concerned with organization and I enjoy cleaning and organizing.

However, I am not sure about the awareness of my surroundings and the space around me. I never considered this to be one of my strengths. One of my high school teachers did say something similar to this, but I never noticed it myself. Also, I don’t know if I am quite as selfless as the description makes me out to be. While I do take into account what other people need, I also take care of my own needs. Overall, I would say that the results of the Meyers-Briggs was quite accurate and described my personality pretty well.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My WHY Factor

My motivation for attending college is to gain the knowledge, skills and confidence that will allow me to acquire a high ranking position in an organization. I realize that a high school diploma alone is not sufficient to get to such a position. Gaining this knowledge will not be an easy task, and will require a determined and continued effort on my part. I understand that if I attend my classes regularly and keep up with my assignments, projects and tests, I will graduate with the knowledge required to move ahead in my career. Slacking off and not doing the work that is assigned will only hurt me in the end.